Just the Six of Us

There are six people living in this house.

That’s six people who need food. Six people who need clothes bought, washed, and put away. Six people who get sick, ornery and loud. Though those six people struggle to get along at times, they also care for, help, and love each other.

Sometimes I do not get along with them, especially during the time of the month that I remember Eve and her apple. (And I hope it tasted really, really good! ) There are moments that Sissy does not get along with her older brother, and moments when our oldest son does not get along with his dad.

But then there are the moments God allows me to see, when they snuggle together on the couch to watch Kung Fu Panda (though that could be a tactic to ensure that someone is near when the kung fu power overwhelms them). The times that oldest brother helps sissy get something she can’t reach. The moment that dad walks in the door and the house erupts in screams and pounding feet. The times when our second youngest finds me for an after-nap cuddle. The way they each look out for the baby and treat him like their brother, even though we still don’t know for sure if his future includes staying with us permanently.

Six distinct personalities. Six minds, hearts, and souls all trying to learn to live together. While we work toward family harmony and peace, Jer and I also are responsible for slowly teaching them to learn to be independent. Sometimes it’s a huge chaotic mess. Having a family is harder and more demanding than I ever imagined. But among this chaos there is a mix of blessing, grace and joy.

About MixedMolly Designs

Any given day you may find me leisurely reading while enjoying an excessive amount of chocolate chip cookies or sipping iced tea before drifting into a quiet nap on my backyard hammock. But more likely you'll find me flirting with my husband, corralling, carting or chasing my four awesome children, and up to my developing forehead wrinkles in dishes or laundry...or both.

Posted on November 30, 2011, in Family, Random. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. What a beautiful family picture! And a beautiful, perfect description of family too. 🙂

  2. I love this Molly, it’s great to catch up with you here, I have been wondering how you are all doing! It’s great to see how our Lord is truly blessing you!! Thank you for the visual picture 🙂

  3. Love this Molly! Your family is beautiful. Yes, thank God you are able to SEE what little miracles you have. Thats why I have always wanted a big family- amid the chaos is the opportunity to have someone to love and care about.

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